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Issues: Ports not working after TPLink setup

Possible issues, 


  1. The modem is not in bridge mode.
  2. The router is not inconnected to Port 1 of the Modemmodem.

Depending on your Internetinternet service provider, please follow these stepssteps:




  1. Find the CMAC (Cable Modem MAC address) of the modemmodem.
  2. and
  3. Call callOptimum optimumat 855855-267-8468.
  4. 267 8468

When they pick up, Explainexplain that you want to makeput thisthe modem into bridge mode and that you have the CmacCMAC address,address. They will ask for the job site address and then set it up for you. 

With optimumOptimum, you must have the router inconnected portto 1.Port 1 of the modem.